Rabu, 29 April 2015

Rainbow Cake

rainbow cake is one cake that had become a trend and a best seller in his day.This cake is very unique because it combines all the colors cake into one .... and this cake is also the most complicated cake making ... because it's complicated cake is also the most popular and sought after for a birthday cake or wedding cake

not because of the color of this cake so only the most popular and well liked but because it seems that most people are looking for it ... it feels different layers in every sense .... but now rainbow cookie lot of changes right now has to wear a rainbow cake fruit to get a color for the cake ... like the color purple he uses yam purple and yellow colors he uses jackfruit

now in indonesia many rainbow cookie that emerged with new innovations ... like cake sangkuriang he uses the raw material is taro cake .... and now the rainbow is not just that the oven now in Indonesia cake steamed rainbow ... the rainbow cake steamed softer than the oven and a little wet ... and to think I feel better yanh steamed ... because all the ingredients and sweetness more appropriate